Cognitive powerline communication systems

  • contact:

    Nico Otterbach

  • project group:

    Power Line Communications (PLC)

  • startdate:

    01.November 2013

A research project is concerned with solutions for the use of spectral resources in data transmission over power supply lines. Thereby new, intelligent communication methods are to be used. The focus is on reliability and compatibility with other communication services (e.g. long-wave radio) in the same frequency bands.


The particular challenge is a channel with unusual properties with respect to transfer function and interference scenario, to which the cognitive concepts known from radio technology cannot be directly transferred.

Individual sub-steps of the project are:

  • Definition and modelling of channel and system parameters relevant for a cognitive system.
  • Develop adaptive, intelligent communication concepts and devices to maintain compatibility with other systems in the same frequency range. The development will be based on the Software Defined Radio principle.
  • Verification of the solutions using transceiver prototypes in an emulation environment.